Saturday 13 December 2008

115 hours

i weighed myself this morning an i'd gone UP by a pound, bringing a third of the time gone to a loss of 5 pounds. hopefully this means i'll lose another ten in the reamining time but it plateausdoesnt it so i probably won't. the absolute minimum to lose now is 9, if not during this fast then one way or another. maybe i was too dehydrated when i weighed myself at 90 hours. maybe i'm too hydrated now? i need to get some laxatives while i'm shopping later too, so they might be helpful.

its stupid how much that pound has brought me down.
a. xx

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Friday 12 December 2008

97 hours

gosh 97 hours. i'm literally past feeling hungry, i'm starting to feel kind of blissed out in a weird way. it's little things like how loose my jeans were this morning, and how when i'm lounging around i'm starting to see the peaks of my hips and ribs again.
i've missed them! ha!

but i think the best bit so far is the fact that when i weighed myself this morning, precisely 90 hours into my fast, i was 6 pounds lighter. thats a pound every 15 hours. obviously i know that this speed is by no means sustainable but it's still so satisfying. that's always been my problem, i seek such instant gratification that the pleassure i get from eating, say, a doughnut somehow seems greater because it would be straightaway, rather than the pleasure i'd feel from beign skinnier and not having eaten it because this takes time.

but the longer i go, the longer i know i can go because the better i look the more i've got to lose (or, er, gain) if i fail.

anyway. somebody asked about a followers link so I've made one, enjoy. i also got asked if i'd recommend it once i'm done. i have every intention of writing a review of my overall progress right here on the 15th day (which will be my super juice day).

good luck, stay strong.

a. xx

Thursday 11 December 2008

81 hours (ish)

its just under 81 hours now. man i'm so weak but i'm kind of past hungry.
my black coffee came straight back up this morning, i've no idea why. all the vitamins must have done too but i couldnt be bothered to take them all again and risk bringing them all right back up.

so. by the time i wake up (8am tomorrow) it will have been 90 hours, which i can imagine will feel like i kind of landmark but i won't be posting that early ( barely have the cognition to get dressed, drink some black coffee, wash and leave the house... not in that order). so i'm posting now as theres no way i'll fail during that time because i'll be asleep.

and then, lets see. 6 o clock tomorrow evening will make it 100 hours. and now that its down to 14 days, by 6 am the following morning i will be a third of the way through (112 being a third of 336).

so by the time i wake up on saturday (probably about 10, i have to go christmas shopping) it will have been 116 hours.

i wonder how good that's gonna feel.

i just hope i don't fuck up between now and then. technically 35 hours, but really only about 26 if you count the fact i defintiely wont fuck up for the next 9 cause i'll be asleep. and then again, only really 16 providing i go to bed around midnight on friday night.

fingers crossed,
A. xx

72 hours (3 days!)

have been considering how best to detoxify and break the fast once I've completed it. although i've been drinking loads of water, my system's going to be CLOGGED. i've been reading up ALOT on this subject and experts recommend that you don't do it for more than 14 days because you risk serious damage to your heart.... so not worth it.

so on monday 22nd of december at 2pm, i intend to break my fast. experts recommend that you have juice only for the first day or two, so i'm thinking a detoxifying supersmoothie :)

i'm reading up on the best ingredients to use, and they include:
carrots, apples, kiwis and bananas.

so i'm thinking a blend of these for the 23rd and 24th.

christmas day's gonna be awful. i think i'm going to have to take that as it comes as there's really no way of predicting what i will be forced or expected to eat.

and i don't know what i'm going to do about drinking. i think... not drink?

time will tell
A. xx

70 hours

i tried that lemon and cayenne pepper thing yesterday. I drank a whole litre of the stuff, it was really pretty spicy. i kept thinking it would make a nice marinade for chicken. oh well.
anyway theres no way i could keep that up, i cant be bothered to invest all that time and effort into squeezing lemons, especially not if i have to drink 4 and a half litres of that stuff every day yuck.

so, no harm no foul. apparently drinking it raises your metabolism and im pretty sure the juice of a single lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper isn't going to be so many calories that it doesn't cancel itself out in it's metabolism boost. i once read that drinking a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of cinnamon in raised your metabolism by 20% for the next four hours, but be warned: i tried it a year or so ago and i was sick straight away.

speaking of which, i couldn't keep my vitamin supplement and black coffee breakfast down this morning. i'm worried because obviously a lot of water came back up, and i've got to keep hydrated otherwise i'll be really ill.

i woke up at 8 this morning, had a glass of water then fell back to sleep. i also had a glass of water before i went to bed. when i woke up, at 11, i went to the toilet, but i hardly seemed to pee at all (sorry if that's tmi). so i'm pretty sure i'm not dehydrated, cause theres definitely at water in me.

so the good new is: i've dropped FIVE POUNDS since i began this thing.

i've read up on this a lot and they always say that the first four or five days you lose like crazy, but then it kind of plateaus after a point. but even still, i'm so pleased. i'm nearly down to my original lowest weight for years, the point that i was at before i gave this whole thing up like an idiot and got huge again, i've only got to lose two more pounds!!

following that though, i want to lose at least another 7 pounds. and at this rate, maybe even more. it would be absolutely perfect to lose (from the point that i am now, five pounds down) to lose another 16 pounds, but i'm not going to get my hopes up, you know. these things take time and i'm not going to take this too far: twenty days is a long time.

also i'm a little worried about what to do when socialising. obviously i can easily avoid eating (well i can easily make up excuses for why i'm not, although excersising my willpower when with friends has proved pretty difficult in the past) but in terms of drinking what shall i do? also, it's nearly christmas. ugh.

oh well i'll keep you posted.
A. xx

Wednesday 10 December 2008

48 hours

ten per cent of the way through.
only just starting to get hunger pains.
don't seem to have lost anything but probably bloated from huge volumes of water I've been drinking.

A. xx

Monday 8 December 2008


The plan is a 20 day fast. thats 480 hours with no solid food, and minimal liquids, particularly none with many calories.

here goes nothing
