Thursday 11 December 2008

70 hours

i tried that lemon and cayenne pepper thing yesterday. I drank a whole litre of the stuff, it was really pretty spicy. i kept thinking it would make a nice marinade for chicken. oh well.
anyway theres no way i could keep that up, i cant be bothered to invest all that time and effort into squeezing lemons, especially not if i have to drink 4 and a half litres of that stuff every day yuck.

so, no harm no foul. apparently drinking it raises your metabolism and im pretty sure the juice of a single lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper isn't going to be so many calories that it doesn't cancel itself out in it's metabolism boost. i once read that drinking a glass of hot water with a teaspoon of cinnamon in raised your metabolism by 20% for the next four hours, but be warned: i tried it a year or so ago and i was sick straight away.

speaking of which, i couldn't keep my vitamin supplement and black coffee breakfast down this morning. i'm worried because obviously a lot of water came back up, and i've got to keep hydrated otherwise i'll be really ill.

i woke up at 8 this morning, had a glass of water then fell back to sleep. i also had a glass of water before i went to bed. when i woke up, at 11, i went to the toilet, but i hardly seemed to pee at all (sorry if that's tmi). so i'm pretty sure i'm not dehydrated, cause theres definitely at water in me.

so the good new is: i've dropped FIVE POUNDS since i began this thing.

i've read up on this a lot and they always say that the first four or five days you lose like crazy, but then it kind of plateaus after a point. but even still, i'm so pleased. i'm nearly down to my original lowest weight for years, the point that i was at before i gave this whole thing up like an idiot and got huge again, i've only got to lose two more pounds!!

following that though, i want to lose at least another 7 pounds. and at this rate, maybe even more. it would be absolutely perfect to lose (from the point that i am now, five pounds down) to lose another 16 pounds, but i'm not going to get my hopes up, you know. these things take time and i'm not going to take this too far: twenty days is a long time.

also i'm a little worried about what to do when socialising. obviously i can easily avoid eating (well i can easily make up excuses for why i'm not, although excersising my willpower when with friends has proved pretty difficult in the past) but in terms of drinking what shall i do? also, it's nearly christmas. ugh.

oh well i'll keep you posted.
A. xx

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