Thursday, 11 December 2008

72 hours (3 days!)

have been considering how best to detoxify and break the fast once I've completed it. although i've been drinking loads of water, my system's going to be CLOGGED. i've been reading up ALOT on this subject and experts recommend that you don't do it for more than 14 days because you risk serious damage to your heart.... so not worth it.

so on monday 22nd of december at 2pm, i intend to break my fast. experts recommend that you have juice only for the first day or two, so i'm thinking a detoxifying supersmoothie :)

i'm reading up on the best ingredients to use, and they include:
carrots, apples, kiwis and bananas.

so i'm thinking a blend of these for the 23rd and 24th.

christmas day's gonna be awful. i think i'm going to have to take that as it comes as there's really no way of predicting what i will be forced or expected to eat.

and i don't know what i'm going to do about drinking. i think... not drink?

time will tell
A. xx

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