Friday 12 December 2008

97 hours

gosh 97 hours. i'm literally past feeling hungry, i'm starting to feel kind of blissed out in a weird way. it's little things like how loose my jeans were this morning, and how when i'm lounging around i'm starting to see the peaks of my hips and ribs again.
i've missed them! ha!

but i think the best bit so far is the fact that when i weighed myself this morning, precisely 90 hours into my fast, i was 6 pounds lighter. thats a pound every 15 hours. obviously i know that this speed is by no means sustainable but it's still so satisfying. that's always been my problem, i seek such instant gratification that the pleassure i get from eating, say, a doughnut somehow seems greater because it would be straightaway, rather than the pleasure i'd feel from beign skinnier and not having eaten it because this takes time.

but the longer i go, the longer i know i can go because the better i look the more i've got to lose (or, er, gain) if i fail.

anyway. somebody asked about a followers link so I've made one, enjoy. i also got asked if i'd recommend it once i'm done. i have every intention of writing a review of my overall progress right here on the 15th day (which will be my super juice day).

good luck, stay strong.

a. xx

1 comment:

Anna said...

Have you read anything on fasting and ketones?

After the 3rd or 4th day of just water fasting, your body starts to use your fat for energy and nutrients, and that's why you stop feeling hungry. When you feel a natural hunger come back (for the average person with some fat to lose, it can be a couple weeks to a month) thats your body telling you its time to break the fast and build up some nutrients. be careful how you break it!